
Worship Services 2018 Archive

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12-30-2018 - "A Promise to Believe" - Luke 2:22-40 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
12-25-2018 - "The Love of God"  - John 1:1-14 (Vicar Tyler Arends) (No recorded message)
12-24-2018 - "Christmas Memories" Christmas Eve 8:00 PM (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
12-23-2018 -  Micah 5:2-5a (Vicar Tyler Arends)
12-16-2018 - "O Come, You Key of David" - (Pastor Bernard Ansorge) (No recorded sermon)
12-09-2018 - Sunday School Christmas Program (No recorded sermon)
12-05-2018 - "Who's Your Daddy?" - Wednesday Advent 1 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
11-25-2018 - "Will You Celebrate Christ as King?" - (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
11-11-2018 - "A Jar, a Jug and Two Mites" - 1 Kings 17:8-16 and Mark12:28-44 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
11-4-2018 - All Saints' Day - "Blest (Blessed) Sons on the Way!" - Matthew 5:1-12 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
10-28-2018 - Reformation Sunday - "Free, Indeed" - John 8:31-36 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
10-14-2018 - "Treasurse and Other Obstacles" - Mark 10:17-22 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
09-30-2018 - "Delegating" - Mark 9:38-50 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
09-23-2018 - "A Test for Would-Be Servants" - Mark 9:30-37 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
09-16-2018 - "Taming the Tongue" - James 3:1-12 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
09-09-2018 - "Made Equal to the Savior's Task" - Mark 7:24-37 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
08-26-2018 - "Embracing the Profound Mystery of Christ and His Church" - Mark 7:1-13 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
08-19-2018 - John 6:51-69 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
08-12-2018 - John 6:35-51 (Pastor  Bernard Ansorge)
07-29-2018 - "Fear Not" - Mark 6:45-56 (Vicar Colin Ford)
07-22-2018 - Mark 6:30-44 (Vicar Colin Ford)
07-08-2018 - "A Prophet in His Home Town" - Mark 6:1-13 (Vicar Colin Ford)
07-01-2018 - "Love without Ceasing" (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
06-24-2018 - "Who Do You Fear?" - Children's Message and Sermon (Vicar Colin Ford)
06-17-2018 - "The Amazing Power of the Word" (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
06-10-2018 - "Who's to  Blame" - (Vicar Colin Ford)
06-03-2018 (Video) - "Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy" - Deuteronomy 5:12-15 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
06-03-2018 (Video) - Children's Message - Cameron Lee
05-27-2018 (Video) - "Holy, Holy, Holy" Trinity Sunday (Vicar Colin Ford)
05-27-2018 (VIdeo) - Children's Message - Vicar Colin Ford
05-20-2018 (Video) - Pentecost Sunday - "What Does the Holy Spirit Look Like" - John 15:26-27; 16:4b-13 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
05-13-2018 (Video) - 7th Sunday of Easter - "A Postscript of Jesus' Life" - John 17:11b-19 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge
04-29-2018 - 5th Sunday of Easter - "No Purpose, No Plan, No Hurry" - John 15:1-8 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
04-22-2018 - 4th Sunday of Easter - Good Shepherd Sunday - John 10:11-28 (Vicar Colin Ford)
04-15-2018 - 3rd Sunday of Easter - "Resurrection Plus" - Luke 24:36-49 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
04-08-2018 - 2nd Sunday of Easter - "Faith and Thomas" - John 20:19-31 (Vicar Colin Ford)
04-01-2018 - Sunrise Easter - "He Is Arisen!"  (Vicar Colin Ford)
03-25/2018 - Palm Sunday - John 12:20-43 (Vicar Colin Ford)
03-21-2018 - Lenten VI - "Repentance and Forgiving" (Vicar Colin Ford)
03-14-2018 - Lenten V - "Repentant Giving" - Matthew 6:19-34 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
03-11-2018 - "God So Loved THIS World" (Vicar Colin Ford)
03/04/2018 - When the Sign Says "Stop!" (Pastor Ansoge)
02/25/2018 - Children's Message (Pastor Ansorge) and Message (Vicar Colin Ford)
02/18/2018 - "A Mighty Fortress Was His God" (Pastor Ansorge)
02/14/2018 - Ash Wednesday - "The Real Meaning of Love" (Pastor Ansorge)
02/04/2018 - "Jesus Christ the Same: Yesterday, Today and Forever" - Hebrews 13:8 (Pastor  Bernard Ansorge)
01/28/2018 - "Teaching with Authority" - Mark 1:21-28 (Vicar Colin Ford)
01/21/2018 - Pastor Bernard Ansorge
01-14-2018 - "Jesus' Call and Promise" - John 1:43-51 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
01-07-2018 - Baptism of Jesus - Mark 1:4-11 (Vicar Colin Ford)

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